The participants have the chance to win several awards and engagements in  circus- & showproductions in Switzerland and abroad.

GRAND FINALE Award CHF 5’000.– Prize sponsor Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG, Banquiers
Golden Star CHF 5’000.– Prize sponsor Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim Stiftung
Silver Star CHF 3’000.– Prize sponsor IWB
Bronze Star CHF 2’000.– Prize sponsor Salto Entertainment
YOUNG STAR Prize CHF 2’000.– Prize sponsor: Implenia
Prize of the audience CHF 1’000.– Prize sponsor: tbd

Special Awards

Cirque du Soleil Award
Award from the circus company «The 7 Fingers»
Award from Circus Monti
Award from the Europa-Park Talent Academy
Prize of the Circus-, Varieté-, and Artistfriends of Switzerland
Prize of the Swiss Federation of Circus Schools (FSEC)
Award from MSC Cruises


Engagement Prizes: 

Circus Roncalli, DE
Feuerwerk der Turnkunst, DE
Palazzo Colombino Basel
Europa-Park, DE
GOP-Varieté, DE
«Stille Kracht» / Casino Theater Winterthur, CH
Wintergarten Varieté, Berlin DE
Cirque Imagine, France
Krystallpalast Varieté Leipzig, DE
International Salieri Circus Festival, Italy
«Breakin’ Circus»,  DDC Entertainment Group, DE
«Urbanatix», DE
subject to modifications